Sunday, July 10, 2011

The second summer season begins

Some community bands begin their summer season right after school let's out, and finishes usually in mid-July. Others begin for their community's celebration of July 4th, and run to the end of August. Such is the case in Racine, where the Racine Concert Band has begun their summer concert series. From now to the end of August, you can hear the Racine Concert Band every Sunday evening at the Racine Zoo. Check out their web site for more details.

And let me make a special mention for the concert on July 10, dedicated especially for kids - of all ages. The children's concert is always a lot of fun and well worth attending. If you are checking your calendar a week farther out, the Band will feature the Horn section on the 17th.

The concerts begin at 7:30 in July and at 7:00 in August. And, to attend the concert, there is no Zoo admission (assuming you are arriving about 7:00 for a 7:30 concert. Be advised that if you arrive mid-afternoon, you will be charged the normal admission to the Zoo, even if you stay for the concert.

Be sure to check their web site and mark a date or two, or more, on your calendar for the Racine Concert Band. I'll be at many of them. Hope to see you there.

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